👋🏻 to Visit Our Club!!!
Let's Expand Our 🌏
By Meeting 💡 People

👋🏻 to Visit Our Club!!!
Let's Expand Our 🌏
By Meeting 💡 People

👋🏻 to Visit Our Club!!!
Let's Expand Our 🌏
By Meeting 💡 People


Do Action Club

Do Action Club

Nov 10, 2023


Jamie Says, "Are you interested in creating an income pipeline outside of salary? If you're curious about becoming self-reliant beyond your day job, let's experiment together! I'm in the process of preparing an e-book, and it includes the following topics: Starting first career at a global company!"

"Do Action Club" is a social group that generates business value through execution. After setting our initial goals, we'll share the lessons we've learned over the course of three months. With a diverse group of people from various backgrounds and professions, we can potentially create feedback loops and partnerships.

Q. What does "Action" mean?
A. "Action" doesn't just involve discussing ideas or plans; it means actually executing feasible projects or actions. Members will turn their ideas into reality and gain valuable experience.

Q. Are there any project examples we can undertake in the "Do Action Club"?
A. You're welcome to pursue any project you'd like!
Here are a few examples:

  • Publishing an e-book

  • Starting a sharehouse initiative

  • Building a community through social networking

2023 • Seoul Creator Club

2023 • Seoul Creator Club